Vivian Maier's Portfolios

Vivian Maier was an American of French descent who bounced between Europe and the U.S before settling in New York and later Chicago. Maier was a caregiver, who picked up a passion for photography. Maier was described by her relatives as a free spirit, but most important as a proud soul. Her art was hidden and not discovered until her death, yet her photographs are parallel to her life. Maier photographed American females and the aesthetic of big cities. Her subjects are more diverse than any other pool of people and the scene in which they are encountered is to an extend surreally. The realism in the images presents for scholars of photography not only a different technique but an entire genre of photography that was neglected in its entirety during the 20th century. The females depicted in these negatives are revolutionary and although did not have an impact until the 21st century, it has served as the foundation for a new generation of photographers who use her work as groundwork. Marie would leave behind a work of 100,000 photographs that are still being discovered today [1]. 


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[1] Parsons, Sarah. Photography after Photography: Gender, Genre, History. pg. 148-50. Duke University Press, 2017.

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