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Johns, Merida L. “Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Structural, Cultural, and Organizational Barriers Preventing Women from Achieving Senior and Executive Positions.” Perspectives in health information management, vol. 10, (2013): 1e.

The Glass Ceiling in the Corporate Sphere

Binder, Bettina C. K., Terry Morehead Dworkin, Niculina Nae, Cindy A. Schipani, and Irina Averianova. The Plight of Women in Positions of Corporate Leadership in the United States, The European Union, and Japan: Differing Laws and Cultures, Similar Issues, Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 26, no. 2 (2020): 279-340.

Chears, Edith Coleman. "Advancing Women's Leadership: Women Navigating Persisting Perceptions of their Leadership and the Potential Impact of Awareness." Order No. 10747690, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, 2017.

Crews, William E. "Exploring the Perceptions of African American Women on how Diversity Training has Impacted their Upward Mobility into Senior Leadership." The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2016.

Eyring, Alison and Bette Ann Stead. “Shattering the Glass Ceiling: Some Successful Corporate Practices.” Journal of Business Ethics 17245–251 (1998).

Glass Ceiling Commission. “Good for Business: Making Full Use of the Nation’s Human Capital.” U.S. Glass Ceiling Commission.

Jackson, Janet C. "Women Middle Managers' Perception of the Glass Ceiling." Women in Management Review 16, no. 1 (2001): 30.

Johns, Merida L. “Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Structural, Cultural, and Organizational Barriers Preventing Women from Achieving Senior and Executive Positions.” Perspectives in health information management, vol. 10, (2013): 1e.

Matsa, A. David and Amalia R. Miller. “Chipping away at the glass ceiling: Gender spillovers in corporate leadership.” American Economic Review101(3), 635-639, (2011).

Morrison, Ann M. "New Solutions to the Same Old Glass Ceiling." Women in Management Review 7, no. 4 (1992): 15.

Williams, Christine L., Kristine Kilanski, and Chandra Muller. “Corporate Diversity Programs and Gender Inequality in the Oil and Gas Industry.” Work and Occupations 41, no. 4 (November 2014): 440–76.

The Persistent Glass Ceiling in Politics 

Al Jazeera, "US Vote 2020: Why Women Decide Elections," US & Canada | Al Jazeera, November 01, 2020, accessed November 30, 2020,

Amy Klobuchar Tweet. July 01, 2019. Twitter. In NPR. By Amy Klobuchar. April 17, 2020. Accessed December 6, 2020.

Astor, Maggie. "'A Woman, Just Not That Woman': How Sexism Plays Out on the Trail." The New York Times. February 11, 2019. Accessed November 03, 2020.

Beckwith, Ryan Teague. "Donald Trump Ad: He Attacks Hillary Clinton's Health." Time. October 11, 2016. Accessed November 03, 2020.

Chozick, Amy and Ashley, Parker. "Donald Trump's Gender-Based Attacks on Hillary Clinton Have Calculated Risk." The New York Times. April 29, 2016. Accessed November 03, 2020.

Clinton, Hillary. Hillary Clinton Quote. Digital image. Twitter. October 23, 2015. Accessed December 6, 2020.  

Dejak, Tony. Democratic Debate. October 15, 2019. In The State. December 12, 2019. Accessed December 6, 2020.

Hunt, Swanee. "Four Women Were Serious Candidates for President. What Happened?" CNN. March 11, 2020. Accessed December 07, 2020.

Jalalzai, Farida. “A Comparative Assessment of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential Race.” Socius, (January 2018).

Kindelman, Katie. "Women's Groups Say They Won't Let Sexist Attacks Stop Kamala Harris's Historic Vice Presidential Bid." ABC News. August 13, 2020. Accessed December 07, 2020.

Kurtzleben, Danielle. "Did Gender Keep Democratic Women From Winning The Presidential Primary?" NPR. April 17, 2020. Accessed December 06, 2020.

Lau, Bligh. “Leadership as a Reflection of Who We Are: Social Identity, Media Portrayal, and Evaluations of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election.” Sex roles 82, no. 7-8 (July 10, 2019): 422–437.

Lerer, Lisa, and Sydney Ember. "Kamala Harris Makes History as First Woman and Woman of Color as Vice President." The New York Times. November 07, 2020. Accessed December 07, 2020.

Ogletree, Shirley Matile, Mary C. Coffee, and Shyla A. May. "Perceptions of female/male presidential candidates: Familial and personal situations." Psychology of Women Quarterly 16, no. 2 (1992): 201-208.

Palmer, Simon. Breaking the Political Glass Ceiling: Women and Congressional ElectionsBreaking the Political Glass Ceiling. 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 2008.

Skidmore, Gage. Hillary Clinton. November 02, 2016.

Skrobola, Mark. Southern Lawn of the White House. December 15, 2012.

Wilson, Mark. Democratic Women in the 113th Congress. Getty Images. In USA Today. January 03, 2013. Accessed December 6, 2020.

Women US Congress. Center for American Women and Politics, Eagleton Institute of Politics, Rutgers University. In Accessed December 6, 2020.

Vanessa Friedman, "Why We Cover What Politicians Wear," The New York Times, August 17, 2020, accessed December 01, 2020,

The Impending Glass Ceilings Within the Workplace 

Hale, Lori. "A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF WOMEN IN MANUFACTURING." Race, Gender & Class 20,no. 1 (2013): 281-293. https://search-proquest

Kohlstedt, Sally Gregory. "Sustaining Gains: Reflections on Women in Science and Technology in 20th-Century United States." NWSA Journal 16, no. 1 (Spring, 2004): 1-26.

Mitra, Aparna. "Breaking the Glass Ceiling: African-American Women in Management

Positions." Equal Opportunities International 22, no. 2 (2003): 67-79. doi:

Wentling, Rose Mary and Steven Thomas. "Workplace Culture That Hinders and Assists the Career Development of Women in Information Technology." Information Technology, Learning, and Performance Journal 25, no. 1 (Spring, 2009): 25-42.

Yan, Shang-Luan. "The Status of Asian American Women Scientists and Engineers in the Labor Force." Race, Gender & Class 6, no. 3 (Jul 31, 1999): 109.

The Double Glass Ceiling

Gruberg, Sharita. “Beyond Bostock: The Future of LGBTQ Civil Rights.” American Progress. August 26 2020,

Liptak, Adam. “Civil Rights Law Protects Gay and Transgender Workers, Supreme Court Rules.” New York Times. Last modified June 16, 2020,

Stones, Rebecca J. “Which Gender is More Concerned About Transgender Women in Female Bathrooms.” Gender Issues no. 3 (2017): 1-17. Accessed December 6, 2020. 10.1007/s12147-016-9181-6

Totenberg, Nina. “Supreme Court Delivers Major Victory to LGBTQ Employees.” National Public Radio. June 15, 2020,

Williams, Pete. “In a Landmark Case, Supreme Court Rules LGBTQ Workers are Protected from Job Discrimination.” NBC. Last modified June 15, 2020,



The Glass Playing Field 

Cooky, Cheryl and Nicole M. Lavoi. "Playing but Losing: Women's Sports After Understanding People in
           their Social Worlds." Contexts 11, no. 1 (Winter, 2012): 42-46,  

Deborah L. Rhode; Christopher J. Walker, "Gender Equity in College Athletics: Women
Coaches as a Case Study," Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties 4, no. 1
(April 2008): 14
Habif, Stephanie, Judy Van Raalte L., and Allen Cornelius. "Athletes' Attitudes Toward and
Preferences for Male and Female Coaches." Women in Sport & Physical Activity Journal
 10, no. 1 (Mar 31, 2001): 73,
Hall, Ruth L. and Carole A. Oglesby. "Stepping through the Looking Glass: The Future for
 Women in Sport." Sex Roles 74, no. 7-8 (04, 2016): 271-274, https://search-proquest-
Iram, Valentin, "Title IX: A Brief History," Holy Cross Journal of Law and Public Policy 2
(1997): 123-138
Parnther, Ceceilia, Jennifer Deraneck, and Scott Michael “Title IX and the Impact of Athletic
Leadership” The Hilltop Review, Vol. 7, Issue 1, Article
Pasque, Penny “Empowering Women in Higher Education and Student  Affairs”
Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection Committee on Energy and
 Commerce. The Lack of Diversity in Leadership Positions in NCAA Collegiate Sports,
John D. Gengall, Washington D.C,
Whisenant, Warren A., Paul M. Pedersen, and Bill L. Obenour. "Success and Gender:
 Determining the Rate of Advancement for Intercollegiate Athletic Directors." Sex Roles
47, no. 9 (11, 2002): 485-491,

The Systemic Barrier of Workplace Sexual Harassment

AAUW Report Documents the Long-Lasting Negative Impact of Workplace Sexual Harassment. Bartonsville: BruCon Publishing Company, 2020.

Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano), “Me Too.”, Twitter, October 15, 2017,

Brown, Stephanie E. V. and Jericka S. Battle. "Ostracizing Targets of Workplace Sexual Harassment before and After the #MeToo Movement." Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 38, no. 1 (2019): 53-67. doi:

Cunningham, George B., Mindy E. Bergman, and Kathi N. Miner. "Interpersonal Mistreatment of Women in the Workplace." Sex Roles 71, no. 1-2 (07, 2014): 1-6. doi:

Flanagan, Caitlin. “The Problem With HR.” The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, July 11, 2019. .  

Hart, Melissa. "Litigation Narratives: Why Jenson v. Ellerth Didn't Change Sexual Harassment Law, but Still has a Story Worth Telling." Berkeley Women's Law Journal 18, (Jan 31, 2003): 282.

Jones, Trina and Emma E. Wade. "Me Too? Race, Gender, and Ending Workplace Sexual Harassment." Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 27, no. 1 (19, 2020): 203-225. .

Otsri, Magi. "Non-Sexist Sexual Humor as Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment." Sexuality & Culture 24, no. 1 (02, 2020): 94-112. doi:

The Office, season 2, episode 2, “Sexual Harassment” written by B.J. Novak, aired September 27, 2005, on NBC,

Van De Griend, Kristin,M., Deanne K. Messias, and Hilfinger. "Expanding the Conceptualization of Workplace Violence: Implications for Research, Policy, and Practice." Sex Roles 71, no. 1-2 (07, 2014): 33-42. doi:

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