Legal Basics

Before diving into the legal world, it is important to know what certain terms mean and how the courts work. The cases mentioned in this research are handed on the federal level. 

Typically, cases start at a local or state level (trial court) which would consist of a jury or judge trial. From there, the defendant can go through the appeals process for each state. However, in these cases the case is heard in the U.S. District Court before being appealed to one of the U.S. Circut Courts of Appeals [1]. From there, the case can be appealed once more, to the Supreme Court, who can decide whether or not they want to hear the case [2]. Below is a diagram that shows the appeals process in more detail.

Below are some court related definitions that could come in handy when navigating this site and the courts we dive into.

[1] United States Courts. “About the U.S. Court of Appeals.” Government Website. Accessed December 6, 2021.
[2] United States Courts. 
[3] United States Courts. “Glossary of Legal Terms.” Government Website. Accessed December 6, 2021.
[4] United States Courts.
[5] United States Courts.
[6] United States Courts.
[7] United States Courts.
[8] United States Courts.
[9] United States Courts.
[10] United States Courts.
[11] United States Courts.
[12] United States Courts.
[13] United States Courts.
[14] United States Courts.
[15] United States Courts.
[16] United States Courts.
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