Refugee Feminism
The Women’s Rights Movement is quite broad as is the Refugee Movement. Having two large movements as two defining factors of identity can create a ‘lack’ as the larger movement itself may not have the proper representation in certain aspects. This is case for many minorities that get overlooked in the larger Feminist Movement, especially Refugee Women.
Refugee women are a unique case as they are bound by laws regarding their status and are bound by the restrictions such as language barriers, a lack of knowledge of their rights, and previously the lack of consideration of gender presenting a viable case in situations such as the asylum procedure. In addition, like many other minority groups, some priorities or goals differ from those of other minority groups in the larger feminist movement
Thus, this portion of the exhibit strives to display a small part of the history and perspectives of refugee women along with the goals they have or pressing issues faced. Finally, the last section looks at the attempts at reform for refugee women and by refugee women in both the contemporary world and in the past.