There is much debate about whether or not social media is a good thing or a bad thing. This can be in reference to society in general, individuals, mental health, the psychological development of children, and, in our case, the feminist movement. Social media has always been praised for its ability to provide a platform for anyone, allowing marginalized voices to speak on their issues. This is, of course, countered by the… particular way that some sites “censor” “harmful” content. Furthermore, it allows for hate to be spread and extremist movements and events probably would not have gained the traction that they have if it were not for social media. For example, Trump’s twitter and the incited riot on the capital. However, social media also has resulted in light being shined on issues in ways that it never would have without it. George Flyod would not have gotten his justice if not for social media.
The only thing that I can say for certain about the interaction between social media and feminism is that eventually, history will reveal the truth about whether or not it is good or bad.