Sex Work and Feminism in a Digital World

Sex workers are adults who “receive money or goods in exchange for consensual sexual services or erotic performances, either regularly or occasionally” [1]. The term “sex work” is prefered over the word “prostititution” because prostitution has “connotations of criminality and immorality” while sex work emphazies that “sex work is work” [1]. Sex work is one of the world’s oldest professions, and the rise of the internet naturally led to online sex services. Online sex work is any consensual sexual service or erotoc performance that is sold or advertised though the internet. 
Feminism and Sex Work: Sex work has been a contested subject among feminists throughout history and disagreement on the topic continues. Feminism seeks to protect and uplift women, and sex workers both on and offline need protection and advocacy as a marginalized group. Some feminists believe it is impossible for sex work to be truly consentual or empowering. Other feminist activists focus their activism on decriminalizing sex work and protecting sex workers.
Online Sex Work Platforms: Online sex work is a broad term that refers to a wide variety of services from pre-recorded pornographic videos on mainstream sites such as PornHub and amatuer pornographic pictures and videos on subscription sites such as OnlyFans to sexual livestreams behind paywalls and kink and BDSM services purchased and exchanged online to escort sites advervising services that are completed in person. Social media has made gaining an audience for online sex work easier and helped create communities for niche and stigmatized sexual desires and dynamics.
Risks and Benefits of Online Sex Work: There are both risks and advantages to online sex work. Although online sex work is much safer than offline sex work, all sex work comes with dangers and risks. Online sex work can still put sex workers in danger and lead to negative pychological effects. The safety of online sex work also varies depending on the kind of online sex work being performed. Nonetheless, there are also positive and empowering aspects of some forms of sex works. 
1 - “Clearing up Some Myths about Sex Work,” Open Society Foundations, April 2019,
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