Traditional Roles in Politics
Gender stereotypes have long existed in the United States. The political world relates and ties back to the traditional role of families, specifically around the understanding of women and their performance. From a young age, children learn the differences between men and women which creates their gender schema, which are “preexisting, implicit, unconscious assumptions about differences between men and women that are rooted in historically socialized roles of men and women” and in terms of politics, people may shape their voting choices because “gender stereotyping ascribes to male and female politicians certain characteristics in terms of character or competence because of their gender." [12] Today, individuals have accomplished many barriers to depict how women are capable and no longer in the realm of the object of a woman or a woman who stays home. Women are powerful and extremely beneficial to the world of politics. To deter from the conclusion that a woman’s abilities fall under a prescribed set of traditional roles will create a better, equal, and powerful world.
[12] Lefkofridi, Zoe, Nathalie Giger, and Anne Maria Holli. "When all Parties Nominate Women: The Role of Political Gender Stereotypes in Voters' Choices." Politics and Gender 15, no. 4 (12, 2019): 746-772.