Intersectionality and Interpersonal Violence

This page will be exploring the topic of “A Woman’s Body is Not Her Own” through the lens of interpersonal violence. More specifically, how having multiple marginalized identities can make a woman more susceptible to becoming a victim of intimate partner violence (IPV). The main focus of this page will be to understand how different parts of a woman’s identity and their environment factor into IPV. Globally, 35% of women have experienced IPV [1] making it a public health issue that desperately needs to be addressed. The reason it is so important to look at the issue of IPV through an intersectional lens is because race, class, and gender all affect victimization patterns. After critically examining all of these factors, as well as how toxic masculinity increases IPV perpetration, there will also be a page dedicated to understanding what is currently being done to help victims of IPV and projecting ways to help women in the future.

The fight against interpersonal violence is nothing new. For decades feminists have been advocating to give victims a voice, but there is still a long way to go. Women of color and low socioeconomic status are regularly ignored and silenced. In order to understand the full impact of IPV on society, all women's voices need to be heard. This site will serve as a starting point for current feminists by highlighting the often marginalized victims of IPV. On top of that, this page will be educating viewers on both victim and perpetrator characteristics as well as what is currently being done to combat this health crisis today. 


1. Ferrari, Giulia, Sergio Torres-Rueda, Christine Michaels-Igbokwe, Charlotte Watts, Rachel Jewkes, and Anna Vassall. "Economic evaluation of public health interventions: an application to interventions for the prevention of violence against women and girls implemented by the “what works to prevent violence against women and girls?” global program." Journal of Interpersonal Violence (2019): 0886260519885118.



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